

I’m a user experience designer and copywriter with more than a decade of experience in the health care space. In my roles with the American Hospital Association, I was fortunate to have a front-row seat for a number of changes in the field:

  • Fewer patients contract deadly central line-associated bloodstream infections.

  • It’s more common now for executives to walk around hospital floors and solicit front line caregivers’ concerns about potential risks to patient safety.

  • More people in our country are covered by health insurance.

Colleagues have appreciated my knack for listening closely. And they have long depended on me to be a stickler for details. I’m also unafraid to ask broader questions that have needed to be raised.

  • What if we designed educational tools and decision aids that delight and inspire?

  • How might the data and content teams collaborate to make online access to educational modules seamless for our audience and efficient for our team?

  • As we help hospitals to innovate, let’s keep an eye out for innovation that may already be occurring on the part of front-line caregivers. Let’s amplify and spread their good work.

In my last couple of years at AHA, I put user experience practices and human-centered design principles to work in our communications and educational efforts. Have thoughts you’d like to share? I’d love to listen. Reach out!